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God Called Me, Now What? : Finding Your Path, What to Do With the Pull of the Call

Official MarshaJ

Updated: Jul 30, 2024

You've felt the gentle nudge of destiny tugging at your heartstrings. Maybe it came as a whisper in the dead of night or a sudden realization in the midst of a chaotic day. God has called you. Now what and are you going to pick up the phone? This pivotal moment in your life can be both exhilarating and overwhelming.

Embracing the Call

St John 6 : 44 'No one comes to me unless the father who sent me draws them...then I will raise them up'

The call of God is not one to be taken lightly. It is a summons to a higher purpose, a divinely ordained path that requires you to step into the fullness of your potential. As a child I've always felt close to God. Even with my limited understanding at the time I could almost equate it to Adam's relationship with him in Genesis. We spoke alot, I felt peace, joy and so much more. As I grew I felt a nudge come closer but I could not quite find the road of how. I understood the basics of some of the spiritual disciplines like prayer, reading the word and fasting for the most part. As time passed there was an extreme uneasiness in my soul and a insatiable hunger and unquenchable thirst that overtook me. I also had glimpse of where God wanted to take me through spiritual encounters in live services and my own private time with him. My physical senses were super heightened to the point where I thought I was losing it. I wanted to be in my prayer closet more than I wanted to speak with people, I was having clear dreams I could not interpret and more. I needed help to navigate.

Navigating Uncertainty

St John 10:9 'Jesus said I am the door...'

Here is the truth, sometimes even at the point of needing a guide one may not know what to ask for. You may not even have the language or be aware enough to know you need help. Time passed and in my search for clarity I observed many, questioned many, but my heart still hungered. I followed the expected path of school then graduated from university and I still felt dissatisfied. I moved on to the expected 9-5 job and was very unhappy. Something was missing, something was very wrong. By this time I had received many prophetic words about being in full time ministry. Me? full time ministry? ha! even if, based on my observation of those in 'full time ministry' it did not look very enticing at all (side eye). It more seemed like being a slave to a cause, respectfully. By this time, I was worn out by the search and miserable but I kept going. This became a major objection, the fact that I barely saw any 'full time ministry person living in such a way that they enjoyed answering the call so in my heart I was running. What I saw was a commitment to operating the church, constant tiredness, little fun, a determination to do what God wanted at any cost, family sacrifices, hurt children, servitude to ungrateful people, warfare prayers, sermon preparations and smiling like all is well. I could not connect at all. I knew the type of person I wanted to be so I worked and tried to construct my life accordingly. I was favored with a Mentor who did their best, I created a whole brand in order to financially sustain myself ( I felt like Paul, I was not about to depend on the church like that). While I was succeeding at some things I was still uneasy in my spirit and still a hot mess. I was still missing something. It was overwhelming as I moved from family and society's expectations to charting my own path based on what I thought and researched to drawing the breaks on my life and unplugging for almost 8 years.

If faith is to be my mountain of influence and faith is a lifestyle then this calls for balance. The bible shows may examples of Jesus as understanding his assignment from saying my time is not yet to having a social life ( spending time with friends and family, attending weddings and parties), resting, learning a skill, praying and demonstrating the and this is the foundation of full time ministry.

Seeking Guidance

St Matthew 4:1 'Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness...'

What was I missing? Why am I so uneasy and why wont the call come together? In reviewing St Matthew 4:1 literally before Jesus stepped out into public ministry I caught a principle, He spent time praying and fasting in isolation in a wilderness (never mind the fact the scripture glazes over that and moves to the temptation lol). During those forty days of fasting and prayer what was on Jesus' prayer list? Where was his heart and his mindset? As God took on the flesh of man, how were these activities adding value to him? Better yet, being led by the Spirit what is the directives for you this season?

This is where we start, asking the Lord what will you have me to do and not leave the posture of prayer and fasting until He answers. This is easier said than done especially without the right mindset and support. Then asking for favor with man, this opens the doors to destiny helpers, coaches and mentors. It also brings us into alignment with those we are assigned to minister to. And finally, because our humanity is affected by times and seasons, asking God for custom systems for our designed destiny will help with our discipline and sharpen our revelation to receive our answers clearly is important. One of the first gifts my spiritual father gave me was a paperback journal to capture what God is saying, it is one of the greatest tools in my arsenal to date. This is not exhaustive and more could be said but it is a starting point.

Trusting the Process

The journey of faith is often marked by twists and turns, valleys and mountaintops. The path God has set before you may lead you into uncharted territory. There were two times in my life the Lord spoke to be about direction first by a powerful popular Pastor, singer and song writer Kimola Brown Lowe and through a powerful late Evangelist Granville Kerr. In both scenarios, I was called up and blindfolded and told to listen for a distinct voice and for instructions in order to find my way to a specific location in the sanctuary. It also served as a warning that the adversary will try to derail my journey and he did for awhile but that's for another post. As it relates to walking out your yes you will never see the whole staircase sometimes, only the step infront of you so developing trust and activating your spiritual senses will be key in this season.

Trust that God's plan for your life is unfolding exactly as it should. Even when the path ahead seems unclear, remember that His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Your steps are always ordered.

Stepping out in Faith

It is said that pilots fly blind and only depend on their navigation tools to get to their destination. We trust them with our lives the way we trust a chair enough to sit down without thinking wether or not it will break. Do we really trust God more than our research and observations? In order to trust someone you have to know them personally because they would have developed a track record that proves and makes them worthy. God is unseen but his effects can be felt. If you are reading this then chances are you are you have a relationship with him and he has proved and revealed himself to you on a number of occasion. Let that revelation fuel your trust.

When the time comes to take that leap of faith, do so with boldness and conviction. God equips those He calls, providing the strength and resources needed to fulfill His purposes. Step out in faith, knowing that He who called you is faithful and will see you through to the end.

Fear Not

Now, wether you are embark on this thrilling new chapter of your life or restarting it, know that you are not alone. God walks beside you every step of the way, guiding your path and illuminating the way forward. Listen to His voice, trust in His promises, and embrace the call with open arms. In moments of doubt, turn to the source of all wisdom and guidance—the Word of God. Spend time in prayer and meditation, seeking clarity and divine insight. Prayerfully surround yourself with fellow believers who can offer support and godly counsel as you discern your next steps.

Questions will swirl in your mind like a turbulent storm: What does God want me to do? How can I be sure I'm following the right path? These doubts are normal. Remember, faith isn't about having all the answers; it's about trusting in the one who does.

May your journey be marked by grace, courage, and unwavering faith as you follow where God leads.

Remember, when God calls, He equips. Trust in Him, and you will soar on wings like eagles.

Believe in the power of His calling, and watch as miracles unfold before your eyes. God has called you—now it's time to answer. Your destiny awaits.

Listen. Trust. Obey.

SEO Keywords: God's calling, faith journey, divine purpose, stepping out in faith, trusting God's plan


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